Calathea Musaica Network

Calathea musaica network
Sometimes called the Network Calathea, this striking houseplant is an essential member of any rare plant collection.
How do you care for a Calathea network?
Network Calatheas have high water requirements. Thoroughly water these indoor plants when the top few inches of the soil is dry. Calathea musaica houseplants do best in well-draining soil and in containers with drainage. While they love to get their drink on, they still like to dry out a bit between watering.
What is Calathea network?
Network Calathea is a new (and trendy) houseplant that shows off fantastically variegated foliage. Its lance-shaped mid-green leaves bear dark green veins. They form a pattern that almost looks like a digital network. The effect is particularly striking when the leaves are backlit.
Is the Calathea musaica rare?
Is Calathea musaica rare? You should know that Calathea musaica is not that rare and can fairly easily be found in most big box plant stores, as well as smaller independent boutiques.
What is the hardest calathea to care for?
What is the hardest calathea to care for? The Calathea White Fusion is notoriously one of the fussiest calathea plants out there. The white variegation makes photosynthesis more difficult, for one thing. Plus, the White Fusion is especially picky about its humidity levels.
What is the most beautiful calathea?
Calathea musaica The correct botanical name for this plant is Goeppertia kegeljanii and is one of the most stunning foliage plants. It is also sometimes incorrectly known as Calathea bella.
Where should Calathea be placed in the house?
Calatheas are used to growing in shady tropical, humid climates, which makes them perfect for low-light spots in your home. Keep them positioned away from direct sunlight or very hot, dry air. Too much light will damage their leaves, but too little will limit growth.
How big does Calathea network grow?
Ultimate height 40-60cm. Calathea Network is a moderately fast growing houseplant.
Are Calathea Musaica hard to care for?
Calathea plants often have a reputation for being fussy and difficult to care for, but Calathea musaica, or Goeppertia kegeljanii, is a beautiful calathea variety that's a bit more easygoing. Calathea musaica plant care is actually relatively simple, and a great way to dip your toes into calathea care!
How often should I water my Calathea network?
The Calathea Network needs consistently moist soil without it being overly wet—tricky, I know. Deeply water your plant when the top inch of soil has dried out. You should be watering about once every 5-8 days, but less frequently in the winter months.
Is Calathea air purifier?
Calathea is a special, highly-decorative houseplant with colourful, variegated foliage. Calathea is a houseplant that really purifies the air, so it is a true eye-catcher in every interior that also makes a contribution to a better and healthier indoor climate.
How do Calathea networks propagate?
The best way to propagate your Calathea Musaica is by root division. This plant will not propagate through a cutting. The best way to do this is to wait for new shoots to grow up out of the soil that are slightly away from the main part of the plant.
Is Calathea a lucky plant?
Calathea Louisae 'Maui Queen' Jade: In feng shui, this plant is also known as the money tree because the round leaves symbolize good fortune (this can come in the form of money, health, or fame).
Can Calathea grow without sunlight?
Indirect light – Calathea plants need bright, but not direct, sunlight to grow. This is because they grow on the floor of jungles and forests where they get limited light through the tops of the trees. In fact, direct sunlight will burn the leaves of a Calathea plant and cause it to lose its vibrant colors.
How big do Calathea musaica get?
A mature Calathea “Musaica” will reach a height of two feet and a width of two to three feet under ideal conditions. It is a slow-growing plant, but spring and summer is its growing season.
Should I mist Calathea every day?
There are several ways you can maintain high humidity levels for your Calathea, but the simplest one is by regular misting, ideally once every two days.
Should you mist Calathea everyday?
So plan on misting your Calathea regularly (once a week is ideal) to ensure it receives the moisture it craves. Misting is also a great way of interacting with your Calathea and keeping yourself busy without overwatering it, a common mistake that can cause damage that is difficult to undo!
Should I mist my Calathea daily?
Just don't overdo misting your calathea's leaves otherwise you can encourage fungal diseases, especially if your air circulation is poor. What is this? One great way to achieve high humidity for your Calatheas and other plants is to simply get a humidifier.
What window is best for a Calathea?
That said, calatheas will do well in front of a north-facing window, but even better in front of an east or west-facing window that has blinds or sheer curtains. Experiment with the lighting. If your calathea's leaves start cupping inwards, it's getting too much light.
How do you keep a Calathea happy?
Calathea enjoys moist soil—but not wet soil. Try a mix of 50 percent potting soil, 20 percent orchid bark, 20 percent charcoal, and 10 percent perlite. They also dislike being dried out. Every few days, stick a finger in the soil to see if the medium feels dry.
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